dental implants

Your teeth have a direct relationship with your general health. When you ...

dental anesthesia

Has your dentist informed you that you need to undergo a dental procedure?

missing teeth

Did you know that millions of Americans suffer tooth loss every year? This is despite improvements in dental care.

At What Age Should I Get My Wisdom Teeth Removed? | Weston, FL

If you have pain or swelling in your wisdom teeth, you may need extraction soon. However, do you still need to get them extracted even when they are not bothering you? Wisdom teeth are notorious for causing teeth misalignment and pain in your mouth. It is thus essential to know the appropriate age to get them extracted for your good.

Jaw Surgery

Jaw damage can impair a person’s ability to perform essential functions. Jaw surgery, also known as orthognathic, can correct facial damage and imbalance, allowing the bones to fit correctly. It can improve an individual’s quality of life. You can find out what to expect from jaw surgery. 

General Anesthesia

General anesthesia is a combination of drugs that keep you unconscious. They are useful when a patient is about to undergo surgery or other painful procedures. When under anesthesia, a patient cannot feel pain from being entirely unconscious.

Replacement for a Missing Tooth

Few people make it through life with all their teeth. Many will lose at least ten permanent teeth before the age of 50. It affects your smile and alters your bite, making it harder and harder to enjoy your meals. With time, the loss of teeth also leads to a weak jaw. That is why you must be careful even as you replace your teeth.

pearly white smile

Many people think that, once we reach adulthood, our bones never change unless we need them to heal following a fracture/break. However, this isn’t actually the case. In fact, our bones are constantly regenerating, and old bone is replaced by newer, stronger bone cells. This process is known we remodeling and happens without us even being aware of it. However, sometimes this process can result in the bone becoming weaker and even damaged. This is something that may need to be addressed if you are planning on getting dental implants.

person with tooth pain

Dental crowding is a very common oral problem and the reason why many people are referred to an orthodontist during their lifetime. Dental crowding is a type of malocclusion (misalignment of the teeth) that is characterized by the teeth overlapping one another. Not only does it mean that your smile might not be as straight and attractive as you would like, but it can also affect your oral health. Fortunately, there are a number of ways in which dental crowding can be fixed. Let’s find out more. 

Dental Implants

Dental implants are the preferred choice of many people who are seeking to replace teeth that have been lost or extracted due to severe damage or decay. They are also increasingly used as an alternative to traditional dentures.

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