5 Frequently Asked Questions About Jaw Surgery

Nowadays, certain dental procedures are becoming more common. Millions of people in the United States already have dental implants. Hundreds of thousands more become patients every year. One of the most common and complicated dental procedures is jaw surgery.

Also known as orthognathic surgery, this type of procedure aims to realign or readjust the jaw. Most of the time, maxillofacial or oral surgeons perform jaw surgeries in conjunction with an orthodontist.


Why Jaw Surgery May Be Necessary

According to research, about 20 percent of Americans have skeletofacial problems that could benefit from jaw surgery. A wide variety of problems may require this type of surgical procedure.

If you have any concerns concerning jaw surgery, here are answers to some of its most frequently asked questions.


What Can Orthognathic Surgery Correct?

Jaw surgery can correct the following problems and conditions:

  • Speech impediments.
  • Cleft lip and/or palate.
  • Receding or distended chin or jaw.
  • Difficulties chewing, biting, or swallowing food.
  • Excessively worn or broken-down teeth due to the bite relationship.
  • Malocclusion.
  • Injuries to the face.
  • Inherent facial problems.
  • Disproportionate facial appearance.
  • Sleep apnea.

Once you undergo the procedure and complete the concurrent orthodontic treatment, you will see and feel a significant difference. One difference will be in your appearance. Post-treatment, most patients notice a positive facial transformation. The most significant difference, however, is in the improvement in how your teeth function together and how your bite fits.

Jaw surgery may successfully lead to better facial symmetry and an improvement in the overall appearance of your face. If the procedure aimed to treat obstructive sleep apnea, you would notice improved sleeping patterns and breathing.

You may also experience a significant improvement in the functioning of your teeth in terms of eating and speaking. Jaw surgery can also lead to a significant increase in confidence levels and overall self-esteem.


Is the Procedure Safe?

Like all other dental surgical procedures, this treatment is quite safe, as long as a skilled and experienced oral surgeon performs it. During the
procedure, you will be under a general anesthetic. Thus, you will not experience any pain or discomfort.


What Does the Procedure Involve?

This surgical procedure can take anywhere between three and five hours to complete. During the procedure, your oral surgeon will move your jawbone into its proper position. He/she will use rubber bands, wires, plates, or screws to keep your jawbone in its appropriate position. Your surgeon may need to take some bone from other parts of your body to build up your jaw.


How Long Does It Take to Heal?

After the operation, your doctor will send you home to recover. You may experience some discomfort after the procedure; hence, your surgeon will prescribe you medications for pain management.

To facilitate your healing process, you will need to use braces at this time to hold in place the changes made to your teeth and jaw. It can take anywhere between six weeks and three months for the healing process to complete.


What Are the Different Types of Jaw Surgery?

Some of the most common types of jaw surgery include lower jaw surgery, upper jaw surgery, jaw widening surgery, chin surgery, and more.

To learn more about jaw surgery, visit Oral Surgery Weston at our office in Weston, Florida. You can also call us at 954-507-6441 to book an appointment.

9:00am - 4:00pm 9:00am - 4:00pm 9:00am - 4:00pm 9:00am - 4:00pm Emergency Hours Available Emergency Hours Available Emergency Hours Available Dr. Nathan Eberle MD, DDS, FACS https://www.google.com/search?q=Weston+Center+for+Oral+%26+Maxillofacial+Surgery++17160+Royal+Palm+Blvd+%234+Weston%2C+FL+33326&ei=ny9LYYnJI5aa-AbenLSoBw&oq=Weston+Center+for+Oral+%26+Maxillofacial+Surgery++17160+Royal+Palm+Blvd+%234+Weston%2C+FL+33326&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EANKBAhBGABQvVpYvVpg3F9oAHACeACAAaMBiAGjAZIBAzAuMZgBAKABAqABAcABAQ&sclient=gws-wiz&ved=0ahUKEwjJlLP715LzAhUWDd4KHV4ODXUQ4dUDCA4&uact=5#lrd=0x88d9a11c079fda5f:0x3e95096031097b1,3,,, https://www.facebook.com/pg/oralsurgeryweston/reviews/?ref=page_internal