The Benefits of Dental Implants for Missing Teeth

The American College of Prosthodontists found that over 178 million Americans are missing at least one tooth. Moreover, 40 million are missing all their teeth. Those are shocking statistics, especially in the age of multiple tooth replacement options. Most people may think teeth only play one role, chewing food. However, they are essential in helping you with speech and oral health.


Because of this, many dentists would advise you to replace your missing teeth. You may think a gap in your teeth is harmless, but a lot goes on in your mouth. Today, you can have different tooth replacements like bridges and dentures. Dental implants are the most effective and beneficial of all the options available.



Benefits of Dental Implants


Prevention of Bone Loss


As mentioned, a lot goes on under the surface when you have a missing tooth. One of the critical events that take place after losing a tooth is bone loss. It sounds odd. How can you lose bone in your mouth? When your tooth is connected to the bone underneath it, it constantly stimulates it. After your tooth is gone, the bone mass that used to be underneath it is reabsorbed into the jawbone. 


Of the tooth replacement options available, dental implants are the only ones that stimulate your bone. They can do this because they are implanted directly into the bone. The titanium posts are not foreign to your body and integrate with your jawbone. 



Look Natural


While other tooth replacement options come close to looking like your teeth, they are not there yet. One explanation is that they are usually not covered by your gums. Upon close inspection, someone can notice that you have artificial teeth. On the other hand, dental implants jut out from underneath the gums, looking more natural.



Restore Bite Strength


Dental implants are firmly embedded in your jawbone, meaning they have the full support of your jaw. This is important, especially when biting food. Also, they have a metallic core that provides sturdiness. All these aspects combined help you chew your food more comfortably. You do not have to worry about hurting your gums or breaking the implant. 



Maintain Facial Shape


Your face will change shape when you lose a tooth and then lose bone mass. As mentioned, your teeth play many roles in your body, one of which is maintaining your facial shape. A dental implant will help ensure your face shape remains the same. 



Restores or Preserves Speech


You need your teeth to make some sounds when you talk. You will usually notice that your speech changes subtly with a missing tooth. Dental implants permanently restore your natural speech patterns because they suit precisely where your teeth originally were. 



Prevents Gaps


When you lose a tooth, your adjacent teeth shift slowly. The shifting is meant to fill in the new space created. Dental implants keep your adjacent teeth from shifting, preventing gaps from forming. It is crucial for your oral health that you do not have gaps between your teeth.


For more on the benefits of dental implants for missing teeth, visit Weston Center for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at our office in Weston, Florida. Call (954) 507-6441 to book an appointment today.

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